Floral Hand Drawn and Digital Technique Artwork
I created the floral illustrations combining hand-drawn and digital techniques, which involved drawing illustrative elements and then importing them into Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, with different textured techniques.
I created textured ink washes and printed backgrounds using rubbing, and manipulated masked selected areas of the illustration with the different effects within the layer section. This process is mostly trial and error to achieve the desired effect. Adding and removing elements which takes a level of concentration.
Drink and be Merry typographic illustration was created with a rough initial sketch within my Moleskine pocket sketchbook. I drew the illustration as a rough sketch using varied fine liner pens, which included Rotring pens. I scanned the illustration into Adobe Photoshop and printed the illustration on my Canon A4 printer as a black and white print. I overplayed the digital printout onto my layout pad and traced over digitally printed sketch illustration. And added further hand-drawn Christmas decoration elements, which I redrew using images found on the Internet.
Once the baubles pen drawing was at a dense level, I then rescanned the illustration back into Adobe Photoshop, where I then used textured imagery and masked particular areas of the digital work such as the typography and the background of the illustration to achieve an interesting textured layered effect.
This illustration was a personal project, which I choose to create the Xmas Themed work to send to Clients, as well as friends and family. I create personal seasonal projects as it’s an interesting and personal way to reach out to clients and friends.
Awesome work!!!